Friday, July 25, 2008

The problem with Wikipedia

Yeah....that's it alright.

Now playing: The Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Curry Reviews

So, some of our loyal readers may have noticed that Matty and I decided to capitalize on the recent exposure and page hits that we got from the Herald article by not doing any curry reviews since May 26th.

Well, we haven't been super busy on the curry front. Just troubles scheduling and all that. We have sent in some reviews for Mirchi and Raja Foods that won't be up for a little while because Chelsea is away from her compy for a couple weeks.

We've also been re-visiting places, not for reviewing purposes....just cause we liked them (or despised them). I've gone to Punjabi Sweethouse again, and it is still one of my personal faves. We both did a revisit to Tiffin....we would recommend that you don't, still kinda ick. And I hit what used to be Kohi Noor with a friend only to find a new name and new ownership. We probably won't do a full review, it just wasn't that good anymore....but I might do a short one. I'll see if I can get a guest review from my secret dining guest.

Oh yeah...matty and I had curry tonight....I won't spoil it for both of you who actually read this.... but it got a 3/10.

Now playing: Skip James - Little Cow And Calf Is Gonna Die Blues
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Rock Band 2

Just read the track-lists for the upcoming sequel to Rock Band. Looks pretty damn good. Highlights for me include....

THE BOB...... Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue
You just have to love this inclusion. No just because he's the greatest songwriter of all time, but it's a brilliant song in it's own rights. It's almost 6 minutes long but it tells such an awesome story. And hopefully this opens the way to some downloads from his 60's amphetamine-blues phase.

Elvis Costello - Pump It Up
Gotta love Declan. Another great songwriter....this may be one of his more "commercial" hear it played in arenas all the time...even though I have a feeling a very large number of the spectators have no idea what it is.

Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Until they release a flute peripheral this band will never be the best suited for the game.... but this is a great song by a much over-looked group.

Journey - Anyway You Want It
You can call them crap. You can call them guilty-pleasure music. But one thing you can never say is that Journey would not be the ultimate Rock Band party band. Everyone knows their songs. And even if you don't really like them cause you're too busy naval gazing, or head-banging....they're a lot of fun. I can't imagine any group that would be more fun for more people, and that's what this game is really all about.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Give it Away
I'm just glad it's not more rubbish from their last 3 albums. I really haven't had any use for these guys since "What Hits?" came out. They hit their commercial peak with "Under the Bridge" and ever since it's seemed like they've been chasing the tail of the fame dragon. Personally I'd prefer something from Mother's Milk or earlier.... back when they were a funky punk band.....or a punky funk band..... but this is a step away from Californication top 40 radio.... and that my friends is a step in the right direction.

In addition, apparently you'll be able to import any of the songs from the disc on Rock Band 1 to the game, and all of your prior downloaded content. So this game is coming out of the gates with something like 500 songs. Insane. I have friends whose music collections is smaller than that.

So I gave you the bout the misfires.

Tenacious D - Master Exploder

These guys rock. Their first album was a whole lot of fun. Despite it being a "comedy" album they actually had some really solid tunes and many of the jokes held up to repeated listens. Too bad this is from their second album. You know....the soundtrack to their movie that basically tried to be more awesome than their HBO tv series and failed. Where the hell is "Wonderboy", "Tribute" or even the title track from the Pick of Destiny album if they really really really wanted one from it. I hope they put some "D" downloaded content in the future.

Pearl Jam - Alive
According to the radio here in Calgary, Pearl Jam only has 2 albums. Whatever their latest one is, and Ten. Here's a song from Ten to let you know when the Harmonix guys stopped paying attention. I honestly don't dislike Ten...just Pearl Jam have so many good songs it's silly to just have one.

Linkin Park - One Step Closer
I don't even actually know this song off the top of my head, but it's Linkin (<---- not even an actual word) Park. I'd rather have to play "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" in yet another game than these guys.

Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
Not actually a complaint about this should be a fun one for mixed groups... (see Journey).... but I simply lament the missed opportunity. I'd just love to hear something by the Original Fleetwood know...the hard-rockin blues outfit that wrote the song "Black Magic Woman"....That sound would be a perfect way to put in a brilliant song, probably on the cheap (not paying Santana seems like it would be less expensive than paying Santana") and expose people to some music history that they probably never would have ventured into otherwise. Plus it would be amazing fun to see the Rock Band message boards explode with people claiming this was some kind of a freaky error on the part of the game's producers.

The Beastie Boys - So Whatcha Want
I really like the Beastie Boys. And yes they started out as a more-or-less punk band so they have some rock chops. However this song does not seem to me like one of their more "rock" friendly tunes. Pretty much you've got Sabotage (already done) and "Fight For Your Right" .... and then you should just walk away from this group for rock band. Ok...maybe "Hey Ladies"....but I just love the cowbell.

What's missing?

Rolling Stones - They've been in the first game...and some guitar hero they're why not more tunes.

Led Zep, Beatles etc - I wish. Although the good folks at Apple Records (not to be confused with Apple Computers who have absolutely nothing to do with music whatsoever, especially not devices used to play or programs to sell music, since that would violate the Apple Records copyright) have apparently entered talks to put some beatles songs on a future rhythm game, I won't be holding my breath.

The Blues - They've expanded into all sorts of genres of rock, including a couple trips into "Blues Rock" why not just throw us some genuine blues tunes. I have a feeling that the rights might be cheaper than average, and I think they'd be genuinely fun to play. And a lot of those old Muddy Waters and Howlin' Wolf etc songs are pretty rockin'

Soul - See The Blues....I for one would love to play/sing "Sittin On the Dock of the Bay", "Mustang Sally", "Respect" and others. Maybe they're not "rock".... but they certainly would make good use of all the instruments and would be a blast for the singer.

Ok...That is all for tonight it's 2:30am and I work at 7.

Now playing: Paul Simon - Graceland
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day everyone! Do you know why we celebrate Canada Day every year on July 1st? No?... oh...well let me tell you.

Primarily it is a celebration of the adoption of O' Canada as our national anthem in 1980. Prior to this, the Canadian national anthem was "God Save the King" from 1867 until 1969 when it was replaced by "These Eyes" by The Guess Who?. While the government took heavy criticism for replacing "God Save the King" with a "Pop Song", they struck down all dissent by arguing that the King had been dead since 1952, and the smooth harmonies and beautiful instrumentation of The Guess Who? was something that all Canadians could really get behind. Except for the French.

Also, it is a celebration of the birth-date of one of our greatest citizens and cultural ambassadors, Pamela Anderson. You might remember her as the star of the blockbuster motion picture "Barb Wire" (a cutting-edge Casablanca remake), the hit television program "VIP", and the homemade video "Pam and Tommy Go For a Boat Ride and Some Stuff Happens".

July 1st is also "Moving Day" in Quebec. A lot of people in Quebec don't actually enjoy being part of Canada so they like to do their own thing on certain national occasions. Moving day is an annual temper-tantrum where-by the French-speaking portion of our nation hold their collective breath and stamp their collective feet and threaten to move back to France unless the rest of the nation gives-in to their demands. Since they have no specific demands, other than that their speeding tickets in Alberta be presented to them bilingually, Moving Day generally passes without major incident.

So there you have it kids. The story of Canada Day.