Friday, May 15, 2009
Do I look like I'm a Christian?
I don't know why it came up, but one of the Muslim women at worked asked another lady, I'll call her "Jackie", if she was a Christian.
Her reply, as is the title of this post was, "Do I look like I'm a Christian?" with a fair amount of .....almost disdain in her voice. I was thinking, well, not really any of my business, but you look about as Christian as anyone else.
"Jackie" then went on to explain that she was Indian by descent and "brown" so therefore it was a silly question. I wholeheartedly agree that it was a silly question....but not for the reasons she listed. I really don't think questions about religion, even ones as basic as that, have any place at work. I mean if you choose to declare your affiliation by wearing a turban, or head scarf, or have a pentagram tattooed on your forehead, that's your choice.... but it really shouldn't be a question that anyone should be asking.
Of course I already knew "Jackie" didn't share this opinion since she confronted me at Christmas about how lucky I was to be not working the holiday since I was a Christian (I'm not.....). She even called me a liar when I told her I wasn't. Social graces are not "Jackie"'s strongest skill.
So yeah, back to her declaration that she must not be a Christian because she's Indian. I think she needs to run some numbers. There's actually as many or more Christians in India than in Canada. On the last census info I could get, 2.3% of the Indian Population was Christian, compared with 77% of Canadians. "Er, Ren...." you say, "77% is way more than 2.3%", to which I reply....yes, but 2.3% of 1 billion-ish is as much or more than 77% of 30 million. The last numbers I could find listed India as having 24 million Christians and Canada as having 21 million.
Basically, if you're just driving down the sidewalk hitting people with your car, you're more likely to get a Christian if you're doing it in Canada, but I'd certainly suggest you try to hit just as many Indian-looking people as you did whites just to make sure you don't miss a bunch.
So, to answer you "Jackie"....yes, you do look an awful lot like a Christian.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I don't quite remember this part
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How does this happen?
What confuses me is that our team didn't really go out to have fun and our sportsmanship was questionable at best. We were playing to win....and I don't think a bunch of rage cases hucking balls at people as hard as they can is really the epitome of either good sportsmanship or having fun.
Basically, the league champ was determined by having the captains vote for which team was their fave for the year based on overall fun. I can only assume we were voted for because people wanted to vote for the team they thought would get the least votes so they'd have the best chance of winning. Looks like that backfired.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
I'm confused the middle of an "obesity crisis", are women (and men even) still complaining about the media "bombarding them with unrealistic images of what they should look like"?
The last report I looked at stated that 65% of americans are overweight or obese. On the other hand, 5-7% of american women will suffer from anorexia or bulimia during their lifetime.
I will never try to argue that eating disorders do not cause significant health problems and I definitely won't make light of that fact, however, I think anyone could agree that obesity's list is mighty impressive. Obesity can contribute to your chances of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fuck...I'm not going to list them all....look here if you really don't know what being fat does to your health.
Now, I understand that eating disorders are serious, and that even in the absence of an eating disorder, people can experience low self esteem and feelings of anxiety or inadequacy due to not looking as good as they think the people on tv or in the magazines do. But is the media's message really the problem? I'll admit that I have no use for fame for fame's sake and therefore do not read "People" and their ilk....but I've always found they have a variety of shapes of people within their pages. Why do women automatically associate the skinniest thing in front of them with what everyone thinks is ideal? Maybe a few years ago that was the case, but it seems lately that the super-skinny is being stigmitized almost as much as the super-fat.
Maybe it's just me being so confident in my body image that I'm missing this stuff....except that's not it. Ask anyone who actually knows me, I have my hang-ups. There's stuff about me that I wish was different. I wish my arms were a bit beefier. I wish my jaw-line was more defined. I don't know what I'd want my hair to be.....but I really don't like it. I wish that I didn't feel so ugly that pulling the "You won second prize in a beauty contest" card in monopoly causes a momentary sense of pride. And yeah there are famous people, and even not famous people that I wish I could look more like....but it doesn't keep me up at night. And why would it?
Hell....if I go to the magazine rack there's all sorts of stuff there trying to make me feel inadequate. All the houses and gardens in the Home and Garden section look better than my house and my garden. Most of the cars in the car magazines are cooler than mine, and they're definitely newer. All the computers are faster, smaller and more powerful than mine, and all the tv's are bigger and brighter. Do I wish my stuff was more like that stuff....sure. Does it make me feel bad that my stuff isn't more like that stuff. Yeah, a bit. Am I outraged that they don't put more dumpy houses in the magazines with garages full of older, uncool cars and rec-rooms filled with small tv's and big, slow computers. No....not really. It's nice to look at nice and fancy stuff that's better than mine. And for me, when I actually do look in a magazine, it's kinda nice if the people in it look a little better than the people that are hangin' out at the mall.
And even if the ideal is set a little too far on the skinny side of things, is that necessarily a bad thing? Remember..... 65% of americans are fat at this moment. Is it a bad thing to surround them with images of people who are skinnier than them? But what about the people who end up getting eating disorders. Well, for starters....let's look at things on a completely indifferent, numbers-only level. Less than 10% of americans will suffer from anorexia or bulimia in their lifetimes. Which of those numbers is bigger?
And pretty much everyone agrees that there is a pretty large psychological component to eating disorders. Obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression seem to go hand-in-hand with anorexia and bulimia. What's to say that even if every environmental/societal trigger for these diseases was removed that the same people who would have had these problems wouldn't succumb to something else. A vicious cycle of never-ending home-improvement. Frequent upgrading of vehicles despite there being no problem with the old one. Compulsive shopping perhaps? Hmm...looking at the current economic crisis and the credit crunch, maybe it's already happened.
So yeah, for all you women (and men) in the middle. Maybe you should stop whinging about "the media" making you feel inadequate by bombarding you with unrealistic body images, and start thinking for yourselves. Take a look at yourself and be as healthy as you can be, and stop worrying. Sure there are people on TV who are hotter than you....but that's ok. I bet your boyfriend or girlfriend thinks you're pretty alright. Do you think you'd even bother with TV or movies if the people weren't better looking than you or doing more interesting stuff than you? If you don't like the people that are on your tv or in your magazines, there's a simple solution. Stop buying the magazines, and turn off the tv. If it's really burning you up inside then stop buying the products that are advertised during the shows that offend you and write letters to the companies. Personally I say leave things the way they are. There are way too many fat people and they need someone to look up to.
Oh yeah, maybe put the credit card away for a bit too, last years stuff is fine.
More curry
Personally I think they're pretty good. Worth waiting three months for? Well...I wouldn't go that far, but they're pretty good.
I do want to get some more up sooner than later....currently our review of "The Taj" is the newest review and therefore the closest to the top, however I wouldn't say it's the best example of our writing. It's more of an in-joke for regular readers and I'd hate for it to be the first (and then probably only) thing that a new reader clicked on.
Well, check em out. And send us an email, or comment here....we love getting feedback.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Woman gives birth to..... block of cheese?
Woman Gives Birth to Block of Cheese
Berlin, DE -13 Feb. 2009- A pregnant woman rushed to the hospital to give birth shocked doctors and staff when it was revealed that what she had passed off as a fetus for months was in fact a large block of cheese.

The woman, whom hospital administrators have refused to identify due to confidentiality rules, has a history of mental illness, according to medical records obtained from people close to the situation. Not only has she been detained in the past for public disturbances, but she has been on significant doses of anti-depressant and anti-psychotic medications for many years.
One attending doctor, speaking on the condition that they remain anonymous, remarked that it is not uncommon for some individuals to fake medical conditions in order to gain attention and financial support. Using cheese to fake a pregnancy, however, seems to be unprecedented, even among the mentally ill.
“Beyond weird,” remarked the doctor. “I don’t know how one would do it, but it must take an unwordly level of self deception to even conceive of something like this.”
What’s more, the woman had apparently registered herself at several stores for an upcoming baby shower and had been regularly consulting an obstretician by phone.
With so much contact with others, it is unclear how she was able to keep from revealing herself for so long. According to sources familiar with the matter, all of her neighbors believed her to be pregnant, and had helped her pay her rent and shop for baby clothes and furniture.
Around 4 am on Thursday, after the woman was heard complaining loudly of severe pains outside an apartment building. Neighbors, assuming that she was in labor, took her to an emergency room where doctors uncovered a sodden and moldy mass of what they later determined to be several bricks of cheddar cheese bound together with twine.
Residents of the apartment building refused to comment, and the woman has been detained pending further psychiatric evaluation.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
He calls it rape, they call it sport.....
3 women ‘dupe, kidnap, rape’ man in Karachi
* Case registered, police looking for alleged rapists
* Police say man sexually assaulted over four days
KARACHI: Karachi police have registered a case against three unidentified women who allegedly kidnapped a man and raped him over four consecutive days and then threw him near Qayyumabad River in an unconscious state. The case has been registered on a complaint by the victim, identified only as Khalil (23) – who recently arrived in Karachi from Rahimyar Khan and works as a waiter at a restaurant in Neelum Colony, Clifton. On the night of January 27, an identified man ordered Khalil to deliver food to women sitting in a car parked outside the restaurant where he works. “After giving me the order, the man went towards the car. I took the order to the car where the women – two of whom were young and the third was middle-aged – told me that they had recently shifted to the area,” said Khalil. He said the women asked him to deliver food to their house every day, and he agreed. “They asked me to go along with them in the car ... they said they wanted to show me where their house was.” Khalil said the women gave him a ‘glazed sweet’ and once they got to the house, “they gave me milk that had some drug mixed in it ... I fell unconscious after drinking it”. Khalil said when he gained consciousness, he found that the women had undressed him, “and they were forcing themselves onto me”. ASP Asad Raza said the women assaulted Khalil sexually for the next four days, and then threw him near Qayyumabad River. Khalil managed to stop a passing motorist – who took him to Civil Hospital. “His condition is really bad ... his genitals are bleeding and he cannot walk properly,” said Raza. Raza said the women belonged to rich families of Karachi’s Clifton area. “It’s a complicated case ... but we are hoping that we will solve it soon,” he added. faraz khan
So, where does this cross the line from ultimate fantasy come true to "rape"? Probably at the point where his genitals started bleeding. Unless the girls were ugly. Then it was probably rape right from the start.
And how did they keep him going for four days? Even as a willing participant (which is like....all the time) I would probably need chemical assistance to do it enough in four days to make my junk bleed. I'm just saying.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday night Flames Fun
First of the night, an older couple sat down across from me in my little pod of four seats on the train. They looked pretty shaggy and horrible, but I don't think they were homeless....maybe he was a college professor or something. They were talking about boring stuff....and I really didn't want to get accidentally included, so I just put them on ignore and proceeded to text message pretty much everybody I know.
I've got an LG KEYBO (worst name EVER) phone, with a fold-out full QWERTY keyboard. And while I'm typing away, the wife notices my phone and starts talking to her husband about it. Ok,'re old and it's kinda neat...fair enough. But she doesn't just stop...she goes on and on.
"look at that phone he has"
"i think it has a full keyboard"
"it does, it does have a full keyboard"
"i bet you can really type fast on those"
"oh, but it's so small he still just uses his thumbs"
"but boy he can sure type fast anyway"
"do you think I should get one of those"
Husband (first thing he's said other than uh huh) - "What? Why? What the hell would you do with that?!?"
"it just looks really neat"
"you can tell, he's talking to all his friends"
"keeping up with things"
"young people are so in touch these days"
Finally I'd had enough. I flipped my phone closed and decided to make super-uncomfortable eye-contact with her. She shut right up but I'll admit she held my stare for about 2 seconds before looking over at her husband and resuming talking about not-me.
Seriously. What the hell. Did you not realize I could hear you. You were exactly 1.5 feet away from me. Our fucking knees were pretty much touching. I've had dates with less physical intimacy. Maybe she just thought I couldn't understand her. Like I was a puppy. Or a badly misdirected Nigerian boy who doesn't speak a word of english.
So, the next hilarious person, was the greasy hippy at the game itself. He had the whole outfit. Long stringy gray hair, that used to be black. Leather headband with some kind of fake jewels up front and center. Big horrible mustache. Suede Navajo jacket with fringe. Skin tight vertically striped pants in Chicago Bears colors (orange/blue/white). Flames jersey.
Whoah. Back it up. What were those last two. For starters...doesn't wearing "Officially Licensed Product" kinda go against the whole hippy mentality? I'll admit, he didn't have it customized or anything, and it wasn't one of the newest RBK Edge jerseys.....but still.....that just rubbed me the wrong way. And I don't even know what to say about those pants. They were incredible. They looked like something one of the second tier British Invasion groups would have the Dave Clark Five, or the Spencer Davis Group. You know...those guys.
Stranger still was his seating arrangement. You'd think that a filthy dirty hippy would A) be sitting alone, just ruining other peoples nights with his existence. Or B) be sitting in a posse of other filthy dirty hippies. Possibly a drum circle in section 222. But nope. He was sitting in the middle of a group of relatively clean-cut younger guys. Maybe he was their uncle. Just out of jail. "Hey kids, point out on the doll where dirty old uncle tom touched you"......
On the ride home on the train I got two good ones. The first was a father and son, riding the train home after the game. The kid about 17 or 18, dad older enough to have an 18 year old kid. Nothing weird about that you say. Well it is if they have matching fucking jackets. And they did. Admittedly some matching jackets would be ok. Like Calgary Flames jackets. Or, some kind of sports team they both play on. Or a family business. Also, take note, I'm not talking about jackets that are just kinda if they both had black leather bombers or something.
Nope....completely identical ski-jackets. The kind you get at costco with the zip-out fleece, and then as soon as you get it home you notice everyone else in town is wearing one. It's one thing to match some random person at the mall. But seriously guys....couldn't you have grabbed different colors or something? Did you think that you were never going to be out in public together? I know they're a great deal....but think ahead....just for once.
The last one was less an oddity than just some simple eye-candy for me. She got on a couple stops into the ride. Fairly attractive, late 20's-early 30's Indian girl. Wearing a very nice short skirt. I may have been paying too much attention to the father-son fashion mistake for the first part of the ride, but then I just couldn't wait for them to get out of the way. The nice thing about the C-Train is at night you can use the windows for some nice covert views of things. You look like you're staring wistfully into space when in reality, you're looking at some girl. Or some dirty hippy. Or whatever looks most interesting that you maybe don't want to get caught staring right at.
What I didn't want to get caught staring at was her legs. Nothing special....maybe a bit chubby even. But, the way she had them crossed, her skirt was only about 1/2 a breath away from completely exposing her panties. She rode on and on, talking on her phone the whole time, when finally it came to her stop. But she didn't realize at first it was her stop. She was too engrossed in her phone conversation. So when she realized she was about to miss her station, she quickly, and carelessly uncrossed her legs giving me a full view. She was never in danger of exposing her panties, they were safely at home where she'd left them.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Damn Carjacking Goats
Original article here
Nigerian police detain goat over armed robbery
LAGOS (Reuters) - Police in Nigeria are holding a goat on suspicion of attempted armed robbery.
Vigilantes took the black and white beast to the police saying it was an armed robber who had used black magic to transform himself into a goat to escape arrest after trying to steal a Mazda 323.
"The group of vigilante men came to report that while they were on patrol they saw some hoodlums attempting to rob a car. They pursued them. However one of them escaped while the other turned into a goat," Kwara state police spokesman Tunde Mohammed told Reuters by telephone.
"We cannot confirm the story, but the goat is in our custody. We cannot base our information on something mystical. It is something that has to be proved scientifically, that a human being turned into a goat," he said.
Belief in witchcraft is widespread in parts of Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation. Residents came to the police station to see the goat, photographed in one national newspaper on its knees next to a pile of straw.
(Reporting by Nick Tattersall; Editing by Katie Nguyen)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
One more phrase from retail hell
When referring to your debit machine and wondering which way to swipe their card - "Why do they have to make every machine different?"
Actually...let me just run a statistical analysis, based on the number of choices, assuming equal distribution of all possible options. ....ok done.... I would say only about 50% of debit machines are different than this one you're trying to use here. You either swipe with the black stripe facing towards the body of the machine, or away from it. 2 choices. Unless this is the second time you've ever used your card, I'm guessing they haven't all been different.
Ok...there are some machines that you swipe across the top, but most you swipe down the side. This isn't really an important distinction, it's pretty obvious where to swipe your card. Unless you were a customer at my old Safeway. Even though the swipey gap was clearly on the side there was a tiny gap between the machine and its mounting bracket that people would frequently try to run their card through. This was despite the fact that the gap was narrower than a card, and despite the fact that forcing their card through the gap actually resulted in the plugs to the back of the machine being disconnected. Yep, despite this, I'd have to reconnect my till's debit machine a couple times per week.
So yeah....they're not "all different".... it would be nice if they put a reader on both sides so the direction you faced the card would be irrelevant, but they don't. And even if they did....there are the people who insist on swiping their cards with the black stripe up in their hand instead of down in the groove in the machine. Maybe you should talk to your bank about putting the magnetic strip on all 8 possible sides of your card, instead of whinging about the machine.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Jeans vs Underwear
And I said, "well duh, most failed relationships are like underwear while the successful ones are like jeans."
And she looked at me so confused. And then she thought about it. And then she started talking, and she fleshed it right out. And it's funny...I didn't even think about it before I said it, but I think I hit the nail right on the head. Maybe I'd heard the analogy before....or maybe I'm just a genius. Could go either way really.
But back to the analogy.
A new pair of underwear is a pretty snazzy thing. They always fit so well. If you're a lady, there's a good chance they look really nice and sexy. Heck, if not for public decency laws and your own modesty, you'd probably show everyone you meet your new undies.
The problem with new undies, is that they don't stay new. Right from the first time you wash them little problems start to show up. Maybe a little detergent stain (or worse) so they don't look as nice. Maybe the elastic gets a little stretched out. Maybe a couple holes here and there. Next thing you know, you're looking for a new pair of undies. But that's the thing with undies, they're disposable. You don't have to invest a lot into them and you can get some real quality use out of them. But then when they start to get a bit old, there's nothing better than to just throw them away and get a brand new pair.
I'm sure you've figured out where this is going, but I hate to stop when I'm on a roll.
Jeans are a tricky beast. You can search all over town, check out dozens of pairs, and then come home with one that just feels kinda good. When you look in the mirror, they look pretty good, and your friends will probably admire them, but they're still just little odd when brand new. Maybe you'll even wonder if you should have gotten a different pair.
The magical thing with jeans though, is with time they just get better and better. With each wash they get a little softer and more comfortable. They start to fit a little better. Maybe they don't look as shiny and new as they once did, but everything else about them is better. Eventually, your jeans start to feel like an extension of yourself, and you really can't imagine doing anything without them. Ever pack for a trip without putting your favourite jeans in the suitcase? Probably because you were already planning to wear them en route. You can't imagine ever having to go get a new pair because you know they'll never be as good as the ones you already have.
When you're shopping for clothes, you can tell which one you're buying in advance. It's a little more difficult with relationships. Oh yeah, there are clues here and there, but also it takes a lot of hard work and commitment. Good luck finding your favourite jeans people.
3 New Reviews Up
India Palace and Restaurant
Cravings - Also known as the "place in the north tower" to people who work at the Foothills hospital
Hope you like em. One more from 2008 still to come, then onto 2009.