It was kinda like this.

Just kidding.....except I did go camping. And I did get a summer cold....which really isn't fun. Camping is only fun if you don't actually have to be in/around your tent during the day. Especially if it's 35 degrees out. Having a summer cold is only bearable if you can take some extra time and sleep during the day. As you can tell, these things are exact opposites. I tried doing stuff....but just got too hot and head-achey and felt like crap. Then I tried to sleep....but the tent was waaaaay too hot, and I woke up in a huge puddle of sweat feeling even worse than I did before my nap.
And on top of this I got some kind of insect bite on my face that made 1/2 my lip blow up like a balloon. I was not impressed.
But now I'm back in town and just chillin. Wrote a couple more curry reviews for chelsea to get online when she's back from the arctic, and should be doing some housework and stuff but I think I'll try out that napping stuff in my nice comfy bed.
Now playing: Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay
via FoxyTunes
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