Saturday I was going to go out but it was so rainy and crappy. Only real excitement was Rocky catching a baby bird that got blown out of the sky. He didn't even hurt it. Just carried it near me and dropped it on the grass. I could see it was still moving so I kept both dogs from investigating and it bounced it's way to the nearest bush. It was still there when I checked a bunch of times over the next few hours but then it was eventually gone. I hope it got back to it's family.
This was much better than the time a couple years ago that Daisy gave a bird a heart-attack and it died on my lawn. She ran over to this bird that was hanging out in my yard and gave a big play-bow right as it was trying to frantically take off. I guess this was a little too much excitement for the little guy cause he proceeded to abort take-off and crashed back to the ground making the most horrible shrieking noise. I went to grab daisy to keep her from pouncing it but she was already hiding behind the shed afraid of what the bird was doing. The bird continued to shriek and spasm for about a minute .... in the process losing piles of feathers and then lay silently.
I really don't like dead things....if I can recognize them as once being an animal I really don't like em. So, I did what I had to do...I picked it up with the pooper scooper and dropped it into a grocery bag that I then tied and dropped into a big black garbage bag. This I tied up and took down the block to a garbage can in the park where I disposed of it. Ick.
So the not-dead bird was my excitement. Matty and I wanted to go for curry at a place that advertises they're open till midnight on saturdays, but I called ahead and it turns out they close at 11pm now. Boo.
Today is a write-off....working a short relief shift at Shoppers. Hope I don't get stabbed. For those of you who don't know my thrilling robbery story I'll share it with you on here someday.
Now playing: The Black Keys - Keep Me
via FoxyTunes
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